Monday, January 18, 2010

Welcome, and a brief introduction to our followers

As many of you know, Dylan and I will soon be traveling to Nicaragua for the next four months. We have created this blog so that many of you who are interested in our doings, can follow us.
(Nicaragua is the yellow country in the image of Central America)

We will be traveling quasi-independently, as in not with a group or through a program. We have a arranged our trip through a close contact of Dylan's family, Beth Merrill. Through Beth's travels as a student she set up close ties with the area we will be visiting. Over time she created the organization Planting Hope which has worked to create a cultural exchange. Check out the website to see more of what they have done.
(San Ramón is just outside of Matagalpa which is in the upper left-hand quadrant of Nicaragua)

We will be staying with a host family in San Ramón where Beth has her own home and office. We will take weekly trips to Matagalpa to give English lessons at Planting Hope's library, and also to El Chile where they have worked with the community to organize a Preschool, which shares a building with an existing weaving co-op.
(A topographic view of Nicaragua is interesting to view. The mountainous region that cuts through the country has determined population centers [mostly concentrated on the Western half], agricultural production [coffee for example], and various other factors)

We will also pursue whatever personal endeavors that peak our interest, I personally hope to learn more about the feminist movement there, and Dylan has interests in music.

We leave the 24th and return May 15, stay tuned for updates following our arrival.


  1. And from this point on I will be creepily stalking you and encouraging others to do the same.

    P.S. I'm coming to visit. Spring break runs from March 29th to April 13th (theoretically... this IS Mexico, after all).

  2. This must be very exciting for you! I hope all goes well. Best of luck!
