Saturday, January 30, 2010

Becoming cellular

Yesterday, Dylan and I had our first solo outing in Matagalpa. We left Beth and Selena at the market, and were going with Mercedes to the center of town. When we arrived she was like, there is where the buses come, this is the bus you want, here is where you want to get off, adios! And we were like, what? Turns out it was really easy. We went to the bank and got some tasty and cheap ice cream, then caught the bus back to the North Market where we were to find a bus back to San Ramón. We found Beth there and all went back together.
We also got minutes on our cell phone! Everyone here has cell phones, and so now we don't feel so left out, and it will be nice as we begin to travel out on our own more. Disclaimer on cell phones here: If you have Claro, be prepared to get promotional texts all the time.

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