Saturday, March 13, 2010

Granada, and a visit from a friend

So we were recently visited by our friend Emily Hopkins. She ventured from the cold temperatures of Boston to us here, in Nicaragua, all just to see our smiling faces, and well, maybe a little bit to get away from that cold weather.

I would like to take you on a photo tour of some of our adventures this past week.

Welcome to Granada! While over run by tourists (not entirely unlike us), it is a beautiful city, if a little hot. There are so many affordable hostels to choose from, and many beautiful buildings to look at, not to mention the yummy food. Here we are on the first day in one of the parks. Emily and I chilling on an ancient looking bench.

We went to Laguna de Apoyo for a day and a night. It is a lake that has formed in the top of a volcano. It is consequentially, gorgeous. It was a really chill place to go. The water was clear, the right temperature, and beautiful. We stayed at this groovy hostel called the Monkey Hut. Here is the view of the lake.

There were many pets at the Monkey Hut, here are some of the friendliest.
This is Congo, the French Poodle puppy who made me miss my puppy even more. He would fetch his little toy and let you rub his belly. So cute. He belonged to a woman who ran the reception during the day.

There was also this cat who was super friendly, and posed on top of this stool for us.

The cat later jumped into Dylan's lap while he was sitting at a bar stool. He really liked the pettings.

This is one half of the couple that ran the Monkey Hut, holding their adorable dog, Chacha. Turns out, at the Monkey Hut, one couple runs the place for three months for a place to stay and a salary, then a new couple who wants to take on the challenge follows them, and so on and so forth. What a cool deal.

This is the cutie Chacha again, enjoying a well-placed belly-rub

One of the managers at the Monkey Hut offered to take our picture. We all look a little awkward, and you can see mine and Dylan's slight sunburns (don't let Emily fool you, all of hers were placed on her legs and top chest and armpits...we're not sure how this happened).

We travelled to the Masaya Artisan Market, and purchased two Chino Rectos (those chair hammocks that are awesome). They were a little bigger than anticipated, and so to take them home Dylan attached them to our backpack, but then had to walk through town looking like some sort of weird samurai.

We are now home again, preparing for the next brigade, which comes tomorrow! Agh! Then, next week my cuñados come, along with one of my bestest friends. More updates to come. Thank you readership for your loyalty.

p.s. Here is a picture of our puppy Fyedka who is being watched by his grammy back home. Isn't he just too adorable not to miss?

1 comment:

  1. Laugh out Freaking Loud!! I love your description of Dylan as a weird samurai; that's always how I've thought of him anyway (this time he was just armed)...

